I've thought long and hard about this and have decided its time to close ASFM.
I started this blog just to get an understanding of how blogs worked and amazingly it took of very quickly. Since then I have met some great people (both bloggers and visitors) and far too many to mention (you know who you are), but very special thanks have to go to Bruce for donating so many great vinyl rips and Longy who initially one of my first visitors who never failed to leave a comment, and now runs his own excellent blog at Punk Friction.
ASFM was always about finding and sharing new music and judging by the downloads and the amount of new music I discovered I think it achieved both,
I'll still be visiting all my favourite blogs, and if anyone wants to stay in touch my emails in my profile.
So once again a big thanks to everyone who has contributed music and left comments.
All the best - Gary
Cheers mate - it's been a great blog and I've picked up some fine rare nuggets here. All the best for your new business.
What a sad woke up this morning,it's raining and one of the best music blogs ends...all the best for your business,thanks for all the great music you shared with us,see you in the comments of some other blog...cheers,Roberto
Its a very sad day for music lovers everywhere and this blog has been overall the best one in my opinion. Its fully understandable though mate and I wish you all the best with your new business,which of course needs all your time.
Thanks for all your hard work and thanks for helping me and no doubt thousands of countless others discover all these unearthed gems. And thanks to your assistant Bruce too.
I'm going to email you a small going away present today too. Cheers for everything Gary and stay in touch!
ASFM has consistently been top of my favourites list for the last few years (and not just because it's an alphabetical list!!). Thanks for all your hard work and generosity sharing all these gems, Gary, it's always been a pleasure and at times an education. Cheers, mate, and good luck with your new venture.
Hope everything's okay with you. We'll miss your posts. Good luck with your business. Cheers Gary.
I agree with everyone above.
God luck in the future... :-D
Best wishes from Sweden
Good luck Gary.
All the best
wow gary are you smoking grass? i love this blog. but i understand. good luck bro!!! and thank you very all the good music.
Thanks for all the effort Gary, you'll be missed.
Cheers, James.
thanks for the excellent tunes. The site will be missed
Thanks for all the great music. Ironically I came accross your blog while searching for music and in the process discovered many, many bands that I had not heard of before.
Thanks again Gary,
Revolution Rock
Sorry you're calling it a day.
All the best
What can I say a sad day in blog land as a great blog closes. So I have to say thank you for all your time and effort and I understand your priorities. Best of luck mate with everything in the future. CHEERS.
I can only repeat all of the above. Take care Gary.
Bummer, Thank you for your great inspirational blog, and all your hard work Gary. Good luck!!!!
Keep in touch,
Thanks to everyone for their kind comments.
its a shame mr chching but like everyone else has sais thanks very much for giving us such a great choice of music and thanks for being one of those to always leave a comment when you visit my blog.the door is always open for you here at muebles towers.see you in the funny pages old chap!
Thanks Gary ! It was always a big pleasure to visit your blog !
best wishes !
Sorry to hear that your packing it in Gary. It’s been good to have the opportunity to share some thoughts and experiences of the era of music that meant so much to many of us. I wish you luck with your business plans, and for the future.
Hi Gary,
Sorry to hear you're calling it a day. It's been great sharing some of my old 45's with you and the guys!
I hope that whatever your next venture is will be as successful as ASFM was/is.
I really enjoyed sharing and listening to stuff on your site and think everybody appreciates what you have done with this site.
All the best.... Bruce.
Sorry to hear that. You were the first person to support my own blog for which I shall always be grateful. All the best for the future and keep in touch.
It's a sad day, but let's celebrate all the great music you brought out of obscurity. Keep pursuing your passions, whatever you do.
Stefan M—
Best of luck!
All the best to you Gary. Your blog will be missed. Now we'll always be searching for Gary! ;) Take care.
Cheers everyone, much appreciated.
Total agreement with everyone else - you will be sadly missed - thanks for everything.
Thanks a million, sorry you're giving it up. Good luck in your business
Brilliant blog. Especially for the Streets LP I loved and lost all those years ago. You helped me find it again.
You'll be missed.
Thank you for the fine punky tunes and succes with youre business
Thanks, Gary!
Best wishes on yr future plans.
Thanks Gary - from a 47 year old that managed to find some things on here that I've not heard for over 25 years!
Good luck mate, as they always say on the radio I'm a "long time listener - first time caller"
Yours was one of the first blogs I started visting what seems like an age ago now, always interesting stuff, sorry for not showing
appreciation earlier.
all the best to you (and Bruce)
I've enjoyed your blog since first discovering it several months ago. It's sad to see yet another decent music blog close up shop, but at least you do it of your own accord and it's not the blogger people who seem to have been especially active lately with their axe. Good luck with the business venture, and thank you for all your hard work.
sorry to hear this. Yours was a great blog and I enjoyed my visits here over the last few years. you'll be missed.
Thanks to your blog I ventured near to the borders of the land of bankruptcy on one or two occasions.
It was a genuine pleasure to visit and I'm sorry I was an infrequent visitor.
May your new business drench you in financial reward.
Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments. I'm sure I'll be back again one day.
Rupert, I still owe you a review (I haven't forgotten even though it is an embarassing time to respond).
Whenever you're ready. I forget so many things myself or put them on hold.
Anyway you've got a new project, a business, to concern yourself with.
That's the important thing so I'll once again wish you all the best for that.
keep moving forward..
cool runnings
Too bad you had to stop, but hey it's life. Thanks for sharing so much great music. Cheers.
i just found your blog. great stuff! hopefully this blog will last forever. good luck!
Thanks again to all of the kind comments.
Thanks for all the good music, the great writing and scanning the record covers
Big Ern xxx
Melbourne Australia
Late to the party as usual,
Sad news indeed but thanks for everything :) one of the best blogs I've found over the years, good luck and best wishes for success in your future :)
Bummer news, but I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors...
And once again, thank you Gary for everything!!
It was quite a nice ride - with awesome soundtrack!!
Marianna (from Brazil)
Thanks a million chief for sharing all that music!!!!!!!!
I just can't believe it, you can't even imagine how much I've appreciated your work here. I wish you all the best with your new project, try to come back and take care!
Kind Regards.
FYI, Gary's great Ultravox posts have been preserved here:
Many thanks, Gary, and wish you well! Cheers, Dave Sez.
hihi! Hi Gary! found this, think i learnt about psychotic pineapple from your blog. (not sure, anyways)
Anyway, hope you are doing well,
good luck on wathever you do.best wishes from patagonia and thanks,man.
Thanks Big Ern - those covers did take an age to scan.
Lee - all the best mate - I'm always late to the party these days as well
Thanks Mr Phreek - much appreciated
Marianna - I like it - I never thought of it as a ride, but now I do, and it wasn't a bad soundtrack eh!
No problems Lorenzo - glad to help
Thanks for the comment CNS
I've already thanked Dave Sez - but hey - Thanks
Antonia - goood to hear from you - yes it was from ASFM (and thanks to Bruce) where you heard psychotic pineapple - good stuff
Good luck to you to patagonia
Well, an exciting day down at DaveSezCentral - the discovery of the rarest of all Ultravox bootlegs and one whose very existence was unknown to me until yesterday. Thanks to Eddie Doo-Ken, we can enjoy a fledgling Ultravox's live performance in Germany in late 1976 - their oldest recorded gig! And what's more, hold ya hats, it features no less than three tracks (I came back here to meet you, TV Orphan and I won't play your game) which are unreleased. To say that this is a gift from the gods is an understatement, particularly as the source was a German TV broadcast and the sound quality is excellent. So go and say a huge big thanks to Eddie at the link below; this one's for garychching who has given us so much (and hopefully hasn't got this yet). Cheers, Dave Sez.
And, what's more, as a gift to Eddie, I've found and packaged footage of the gig, coming up next ...
This and more at the link to my Ultravox mega-post above, cheers Dave Sez.
Salut l'ami
Bonne chance et reviens vite
Hi Gary, just to say your Ultravox recordings will be re-upped to http://skamanchackett.blogspot.com .. got to keep them in circulation! Cheers, Dave Sez.
Aww man im sorry. i hope you enjoy life outside of your blog. remember its a very scary world out there :) i hope my music blog becomes as loved as yours!
Almost all Ultravox preserved and re-served (not reserved) from the generous posts of garychching of the late great asfm (always searching for music).blogspot.com. Full versions of each gig available from the archive upon polite request in the comments to this post.
http://skamanchackett.blogspot.com/2012/07/ultravox-unreleased-tracks-1976-1979.html and the comments ...
Cheers, Dave Sez.
Exciting news - one of the few 1979 American gigs that the great garychching didn't have has now surfaced. It's at the Whiskey a Go Go in LA on 15/03/79, the latest of the gigs that were recorded, and probably the lasst time that Foxx played with Ultravox. See the comments to the Ultravox megapost at http://skamanchackett.blogspot.com/2012/07/ultravox-unreleased-tracks-1976-1979.html.
Cheers, Dave Sez.
Thanks for your posts gary. . .
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