I've thought long and hard about this and have decided its time to close ASFM.
I started this blog just to get an understanding of how blogs worked and amazingly it took of very quickly. Since then I have met some great people (both bloggers and visitors) and far too many to mention (you know who you are), but very special thanks have to go to Bruce for donating so many great vinyl rips and Longy who initially one of my first visitors who never failed to leave a comment, and now runs his own excellent blog at Punk Friction.
ASFM was always about finding and sharing new music and judging by the downloads and the amount of new music I discovered I think it achieved both,
I'll still be visiting all my favourite blogs, and if anyone wants to stay in touch my emails in my profile.
So once again a big thanks to everyone who has contributed music and left comments.
All the best - Gary