I've re-posted this for a couple of reasons: Reason number 1 (the most important) Ian Cook guitarist with 'The Clues' pointed out that the mini LP had six tracks and not just the four I originally posted. Reason number 2 as I now have a copy you get to see both sides of the cover and the insert with the lyrics. Reason Number 3, I now have some updated facts on this post, and finally Reason number 4 (I already used this reason for the previous re-post, but so what) Ian Cook has several mint

copies of this classic going for a fiver (that's £5). The details are in the comment. So if your interested get in touch with Ian.
'The Clues' one and only single was a limited edition of 1,000 copies of this 6 track mini LP released on Clues Records in 1981.
The Clues have been categorized as Mod or Power Pop and you can hear why. The title track 'No Vacancies' definitely fits the Mod genre, with so

me nice guitar and harmonies which is outstanding (I can't stop playing this). The second track 'Footsteps' is my favorite track of the four, a little faster than the title track. Next up is 'Girl Of My Dream's' another excellent 'power pop song that really grows on you. Night Shift has Nigel the Bassist on Vocals, Masked Emotions is next up and finally 'Almost Framed' which sounds like an early 'Rolling Stones' song. Since I got my copy I have been playing this again and again, and I'm sure when you get yours you will be doing the same.
Band: The Clues
Label: Clues Records
Year: 1981
1. No Vacancies
2. Footsteps
3. Girl Of My Dreams
4. Night Shift
5. Masked Emotions
6. Almost Framed
Ripped from glorious scratched vinyl
As mentioned earlier if you like this, then get in touch with Ian Cook and get your own copy before they run out.
Absolutely fantastic! I've been wanting to hear this for a while but hadn't found it anywhere until now. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the comment, it's not bad either is it?
Glad to help
Damn I love this sort of crud.
Nice to be able to hear the whole single (as I have surely mentioned before).
Hi Jeffen, I am a completist at heart, so I always like to hear all the tracks even if they are not very good.
Hi there
its Ian cook
guitarist with the clues
I still have several mint copies in my loft if anyone is interested, yours for a fiver,
Pretty good stuff indeed.
Actually it was a 6 track EP two other tracks were Night Shift and Masked Emotions. We were a covers band playing kinks, who, beatles, stones, rnb etc and we decided to have a couple of days in a local studio, but none of us had really writtten anything before, so these songs were written then recorded in about 3 weeks. we had 1000 copies made and as I was in Print at the time we made the covers/insert ourselves,
Sold most of them locally at gigs, still have a box or two in the loft.. happy days
You know what to do
How ironic that I would drop my "thanks for the whole release" comment on a post where you hadn't even done so.
Thanks for re-posting and of course huge thanks to Ian Cook for dropping by to fill the gaps.
Keep us posted if there's ever a CD re-issue!
Hi Jeffen
we sold the rights to No Vacancies a few years ago and it appeared on a double CD called 100% British Mod on the captain mod label with loads of other rare stuff
it was also released on a US only triple cd called the mod box I Think , i've never been able to track one down though:
if anyone in the states can get me a copy and post it over I'd gladly trade it for a mint copy or two of the EP and some cash
I have the 100% British Mod set, which is where I heard "No Vacancies".
Never heard of the American version though.
Thanks for the response.
Hi Jeffen, the irony was not lost on me either, I thought I had posted the complete ep so my thanks to Ian as well.
Just found the 3cd set on canadian amazon and they ship to the UK so Im a happy bunny
I saw the clues at a Christmas gig in a pub called `the Bell` in Middleton, suffolk and bought a copy of `no vacancies` signed by the whole band.Didn`t have a lyric sheet though.
Lucky you anon, I wish i had seen them.
Hi anonymous, middleton Bell, that takes me back, still got some lyric sheets if you want one
hi rave on,anon here, yes I would love a lyric sheet to go with my signed copy, how can I contact you?
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