You can find out all about "Red Letters" over at Punk77 here.
So the song, its excellent, I'm on about my tenth play now, and its definitely entered my list of faves, and now I want to hear the other two tracks (Shot in the dark and Science has the answer) from the b-side and anything else (if there is anything else) from "Red Letters".
Band: Red Letters
Label: Burning Bing
Year: 1979
1. Sacred Voices
Ripped from anonymous glorious vinyl.
hi,this single is very hard for sharing,dosnt have b side?it is so hard:(
hi gary. you really have a great site! i´ve found so much music i was searching for years.
perhaps you can help me: i´m still searching for
- the perfectors (the "YT502951D" single. or anything else)
- speedball ("No survivors" single)
only found single mp3s on punkmodpop that were so great.
please excuse my bad english.
bye, jimmy jazz
...to jimmy jazz;Perfectors you can find on Bored Teenagers comps,on same site you can buy CD's and belive me ,,it's really worthwile!
stay punk and keep the faith
Hi Jimmy Jazz you still looking for the perfectors? If so leave a comment and I will post them sometime soon.
All 3 tracks are on YouTube and Soundcloud. Plus a previously unreleased track from the same recording session - "Princess of the Nightshift". "Sacred Voices and "Princess" will soon be released on a new compilation out of Detour Records. Jake Herriot
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