Time Through Everybody's Eyes / ? (Grand Prix GP-012, 1983) 1984 / Mushroom Music (Grand Prix GP-014, 1983)

Well thanks to Philippe and an excellent purchase of only 99p on ebay, we can confirm that their final single was released and now you can hear it.
I'll let Philippe's own words finish this post:
"I always though that these titles were just legends , I never found the records or just a further entry about them. But in May 2009 I was lucky and found the Mushroom Magic 7" accidentally after quite some time searching".
"It seems if it was never really released as my version is a "demonstration record only" As the record seems to be so rare I think I won't be doing anybody an idealistic or financial harm by uploading it".
"Does anyone have any further information about this band? or do you know anyone in the band? I would be very pleased if I got more information, photos, or whatever as I would like to reissue their records through a friends label and need the contact of the band. I think its a pity they don't get the attention they deserve".
"You can email me at clockwork.generation@googlemail.com"
"Now as I've got you attention I would also like to give a little plug for another band I like, they do some kind of progressive punk with organ and you can check them out on myspace here".
So please try to help Philippe and leave a comment. In my opinion this double a-side single is the weakest single (of the four we've heard), but it does grow on you, So we just need to find that final elusive fourth single "Time Through Everybody's Eyes", so anyone out there got it?
Ripped from Philippe's glorious scratched vinyl
Band: A.D.1984
Label: Grand Prix
Year: 1983
1. 1984
2. Mushroom Magic
Hello,this rar is demaged,please reupload this
thank you
I just downloaded it, and it works fine.
This is a common problem (with Media fire or the zip file I don't know) you just have to try again, or some people even suggest restarting their PC.
File downloaded fine here thanks Gary and Philippe. This one might need a couple of plays before I appreciate it to be honest. Its good to hear it at last though!
Cheers Longy, it took me a couple of plays and i still think its the weakest of the four I know.
Absolutely fantastic... thanks very much folks! greetings from Dublin
Hi Lorenzo, glad you liked it and thanks for taking the time to comment.
No one knows anything about this band, that's weird. I've always thought they sound like old celtic rockers Horslips!?!Check out there single Power and the glory and you'll see what I mean!
Hi Anon not heard of Horslips, I will check it out. Thanks.
Horslips, although I don't think it is them I see what you mean.
No problems Roadtohell.
wow thank you i've been searching online for years finally!!! thanks again
Hi Evol, we were all looking for this and luckily Phillipe got a copy and even more he shared it. So Philippes the man to thank, but thanks to you for leaving a comment.
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